Stuff I find to be interesting, funney and off the wall

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Our new pet!

This past weekend when Colleen's Mom was in town, she wanted to take us shopping for a new housewarming gift. Colleen has had her eye on this new pet for a few weeks now. The idea of having this pet would be awesome as you would not have to worry about crumbs falling on the floor any more, or even sweeping around the house. It eats every thing up. So Colleen's Mom thought that this would make a great pet, and bought us one. Enter Rosie our pet robot! Ok well its kind of like a pet we named it and everything, the best part is it picks up its own poop, so people like Nick don't spread it across the whole house. Rosie's heritage is from iRobot, kind of like the movie I guess, but I don't see these little guy going crazy, and if he does hopefully she won't get jealous of the big TV, and try to take it out.

Rosie even makes sounds to tell us what she's up to: listen here


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