Stuff I find to be interesting, funney and off the wall

Friday, July 22, 2005

Loves me some Daylight Savings!

So recently there has actually been a political issue I care about. There was talks of extending Daylight Savings, as to start a month earlier and end a month later. I guess people argued that this may have bigger concerns then the proposed amount of oil it would save.

"According to some senators, farmers complained that a two-month extension could adversely affect livestock, and airline officials said it would have complicated scheduling of international flights."
- [CNN]

I guess I never thought about any other issues, and since I am not a morning person, I don't care about the sun being up earlier. I would prefer more daylight as this gives me time to do activities after work that are still in the sun. Speaking of which I really need to take more advantage of this, for gosh-sake its almost August already :(


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